On Wednesday, I posted my opinion on the logos being used by the Democratic presidential candidates. In the interest of providing fair and balanced opinionated marketing, here goes for the Republicans (shown in alphabetical order, by last name).
Nice. I like the type face, the simple design, and lucky Rudy he's a household, first-name word.
And not to make this all about Rudy, but I really love this one which is such a nice play on the 'I Love NY' campaign, which is one of the most brilliant and iconic ever.
Well, Mike is mixing it up a bit here, and he's being a little gutsy with the use of the yellow, but I'm not wild about this. I do think the flag-ness is well done. I probably would have liked this one better with white lettering.
And not to make this all about Huckabee, but how's about this Peter Max-ish, salute to the '60's number. Yowza. (I believe Huckabee also has an I-Heart-Huckabee thing going somewhere, but enough's enough.)
I'm going to give John some props here for the use of the navy and gold. It distinguishes him from the pack, and reminds us that he's got an untouchable military background. Not wild about the Go, Navy! color scheme, but for McCain it works. Also like the (sans serif) font.
What can you say? The guys a straight shooter, and so's his bumper sticker. Simple, unaffected, boring even, but it does seem to speak well to the nature of the candidate, doesn't it?
Well, if Mitt doesn't make it as president, he may be able to run the US Postal Service since he already appears to be using a knock-off of their logo. Nice strong lettering, and a wise choice to go with "Mitt" rather than your given name of "Willard." (Who wouldn't?)
Wouldn't you know I would have a devil of a time trying to download the Tancredo logo? Maybe he thinks I'm an illegal immigrant or something. I've already tried twice, with no luck, and since Tancredo has about as much chance of getting elected as, say, Paris Hilton, we'll just leave it at that.
When your biggest claim to fame is your recognition as an actor, I guess it makes sense to use your face. But I don't like it. Too much Fred's big ego going on. Nice balance in the Fred 2008/Thompson, however; and I like the upper-lower.
And not to make this all about Fred Thompson, but let's here it for this happening black and gold color scheme. But the tag line? Security. Unity. Prosperity. Hmmmm. At least he didn't use Prosperity. Unity. Security. which would have yielded an unfortunate acronym.
Well, Rudy's got my logo vote here. He wins the Republican field, with McCain and Paul tying for second runner up. And if I'm being honest, I think he's got the best overall look and feel, with Hillary coming in second.
Again, none of this is meant as an endorsement. I may have picked a Republican logo, but that's not quite the primary I will be voting in come February...